Conner Dailey Physics graduate student, hobby photographer

Curriculum Vitae

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Postdoctoral Researcher

Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Institute for Theoretical Physics Feburary 2025 - Present

Advisors: Dr. Bernd Bruegmann


Doctor of Philosophy in Theoretical Physics

University of Waterloo, Perimeter Institute August 2020 - December 2024

Advisors: Dr. Niayesh Afshordi, Dr. Erik Schnetter

Master of Science in Physics

University of Nevada, Reno August 2017 - August 2019

Advisor: Dr. Andrei Derevianko GPA: 3.845/4.00

Bachelor of Science in Physics

University of Nevada, Reno August 2014 - May 2017

Advisor: Dr. Andrei Derevianko GPA: 3.827/4.00


  • C. Dailey, E. Schnetter, N. Afshordi, “Formulating the complete initial boundary value problem in numerical relativity to model black hole echoes.” Classical and Quantum Gravity, 42(2):025002 (2024). Full text.

  • C. Dailey, N. Afshordi, E. Schnetter, “Reflecting boundary conditions in numerical relativity as a model for black hole echoes.” Classical and Quantum Gravity, 40(19):195007 (2023). Full text.

  • C. Dailey, C. Bradley, D. F. Jackson Kimball, et al. “Quantum sensor networks as exotic field telescopes for multi-messenger astronomy.” Nature Astronomy, 5, 150–158 (2021). Full text.

  • C. Dailey. “Probing exotic fields with networks of atomic clocks”. Master’s thesis, University of Nevada, Reno. August 2019. Full text.

  • B. M. Roberts, G. Blewitt, C. Dailey, et. al. “Search for domain wall dark matter with atomic clocks on board global positioning system satellites”. Nature Communications, 8 (2017). Full text.

  • B. M. Roberts, G. Blewitt, C. Dailey, and A. Derevianko. “Search for transient ultralight dark matter signatures with networks of precision measurement devices using a Bayesian statistics method”. Physical Review D, 97:083009 (2018). Full text.

  • E. Savalle, B. M. Roberts, F. Frank, P. Pottie, et. al. “Novel approaches to dark-matter detection using space-time separated clocks”. (2019). Full text.

  • S. Heck, A. Gatton, K. A. Larsen, W. Iskandar, et. al. “Symmetry breaking in the body-fixed electron emission pattern due to electron-retroaction in the photodissociation of \(\mathrm{H}^{+2}\) and \(\mathrm{D}^{+2}\) close to threshold”. Physical Review Research, 1:033140 (2019). Full text.

Honors and Awards

Canadian Association of Physicists Inaugural Problem Competition winner 2020

UNR College of Science Dean’s List 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018

Nevada Undergraduate Research Award 2016

Eagle Scout 2014

2013 UNR Physics Exam Award 2013


PI Residency Grad Scholarship 2022-2024

McDonald HQP Pooled Resources Scholarship 2022-2024

International Doctoral Student Award 2020-2023

Marie Curie Graduate Award 2020-2021

Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship 2014-2017

TMCC/UNR Thompson Scholarship 2014-2015

ASUN Academic Scholarship 2015-2016


Computer Languages: Mathematica, Julia, C++, Python, HTML

Software Tools: \(\mathrm{\LaTeX}\), Bash, Adobe Lightroom, MS Office, Visual Studio

Subject Proficiencies: Special and general relativity, fundamental interactions, Bayesian statistics.